Hon. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. habil. Michael Heiss

(photos 2007, 2014, 2022)
Siemens AG Österreich
Digital Industries, Digital Enterprise (DI DE)
Principal Consultant Digital Enterprise
and Project Lead Pilotfabriken
Siemensstraße 90
A-1210 Vienna, Austria, Europe
Fax: +43-5-1707-56682
Phone & Mobile: +43-664-88 55 1526
email: michael *dot* heiss *at* siemens *dot* com (no spam, please)
Automation and Control Institute at
University of Technology Vienna, Austria
Institute of Software Systems
and Interactive Systems
at the
University of Technology Vienna, Austria
email: m *dot* heiss *at* ieee *dot* org (no spam, please)
- July 11, 1963 born in Salzburg, Austria
- since 1992 married, children
1993 and 1995
- 1986: Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering at the
University of Technology Vienna
- 1989: PhD in Electrical Engineering at the same University, both Summa cum
- 1991: Project Management Course at Harvard
- 1995: Habilitation (Venia docendi) for Control Engineering at the University
of Technology Vienna (TU-Wien).
- 2015: Honorary Professor for Innovation and Technology Management at the
University of Technology Vienna (TU-Wien).
- 1986-1990: Voest Alpine Automotive (today:
BOSCH), research and development in the field of electronic diesel engine
- 1990-1991: Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT), Laboratory of Information and Decision Systems (LIDS),
visiting scientist.
- 1991-1995: University of Technology
Vienna, project leader for a learning control project, lecturer.
- 1996-1998: Siemens AG Austria, PSE
Head of the New Technologies group ECANSE, project manager, consultant,
- 1998-2005: Siemens AG Austria, Head of
Vice President for Technology Management at Siemens PSE.
1998-2014: Responsible for the Siemens-internal social media platform TechnoWeb.
- 2006-2009: Siemens AG Austria, Head of SIS SDE KIT (former PSE KIT)
Vice President for Knowledge, Innovation, and Technology
- 2007-2009: Siemens AG, Siemens IT Solutions and Services, Head of PTM KIT,
Vice President for Knowledge, Innovation, and Technology (globally)
- 2009-2010: Siemens AG Austria, Siemens IT Solutions and Services, Head of
SDE KIT, Vice President for Knowledge, Innovation, and Technology (globally)
- 2010-2012:
Siemens AG, Chief Technology Office, Open Innovation (CT O OI)
2012-2014: Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Innovation and Technology
Management, Open Innovation and Scouting (CT TIM VS).
Principal for Open Innovation and Scouting.
Responsible for Open
Innovation Networks at Siemens (globally).
- 2014-2017: Siemens AG,
Corporate Technology, Research for Digitalization and Automation,
Head of Research Group Cyber-Physical Systems
Current Positions:
Past-Chair of the IEEE
Austria Section since 2015.
Vice-Chair since 2015,
Chair of IEEE Austria Section 2017,
Chair of the
IEEE Technology
Management Council, Chapter Central Europe (Vice-Chair
since 2006, Chair since 2011).
- Präsidalbereit of Austrian
Standards International (ASI) since 2019
- Member of the IFAC-Beirat
Austria (since 2000)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the
Knowledge Management Academy (since 2002)
- Delegate at the Information Technology Beirat of the
Austrian Institute of Technology AIT (former Austrian Research Centers ARCS)
- Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the
International Computer Science Conventions, Canada (1997-2001).
- Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the
Natural and Artificial Intelligence Systems Organization (NAISO) Canada
(since 2000).
- Member of the Advisory Board of the
International Conference on Knowledge Management ICKM 07.
- Session Chairman at ACC'92 Chicago, CCA'94 Glasgow, ISFL'95 Zurich,
ACC'95 Seattle, ICANNGA'97 Norwich, UK, NC'98 Vienna.
- Session Organizer at CCA'94 Glasgow, INFORMATIK 2001, Vienna.
- Member of the International Programme Committee: ISFL'97 Zurich,
ICANNGA'97 Norwich, UK, EIS'98 Tenrife, Spain, AIII'98 Kosice, SK, NC'98 Vienna,
ISFL'99 Rochester, NC 2000 Berlin, CI 2000 Sydney, EIS 2000 Paisly, Scotland, NF
2002 Habana, Cuba, EIS 2002 Malaga, Spain and others.
- General Chairman of the
Int. Symp. on Neural Networks NC'98 in Vienna.
- Chair of the Steering Committe for NC'2000 in Berlin.
- Associate Node of the European NEuroNet.
- Reviewer for various journals and conferences.
2010: invited talk "How to create a knowledge sharing culture"
Agenda Wissen,
2010: invited talk:
Future Network Technologieoutlook und Geschäftsmodelle, Zürich.
2010: invited talk:
Excellence 2010 in Barcelona.
2010: invited talk:
Stuttgarter e-business days.
2010: invited talk:
Handelsblatt Conference Open Innovation.
2011: Keynote "Opening Innovation" at the 8. Forum Innovation,
2011: Chairman and invited talk at
Strategisches Technologie & Innovationsmanagement in produzierenden Unternehmen
2011, Düsseldorf.
2012: invited talk: "Case Study: Siemens Smart Grid Innovation Contest" at
Front End
Innovation Europe, Zurich.
2013: invited talk: "Enterprise 2.0: Werden Entscheidungen heute anders
getroffen?" at
WerbeSummit, Session Strategische Unternehmensführung. Hofburg, Vienna.
2013: invited talk: "The potential of ICT tools in open innovation processes"
European Forum Alpbach,
Technology Forum.
2013: invited talk: “Open Innovation – neue Formen von Innovationsprozessen”
2014: invited talk: „Crowdsourcing vs. Technology Scouting“ at the
Front End Innovation
2014: Keynote at the
European “Open Innovation Day” in
Stuttgart, organized by the German “Industrie und Handelskammer” on behalf
of the EU.
- 2015: Workshop Keynote at the
CPS-Week in Seattle (IEEE/ACM).
- 2015: Keynote and Panel at the
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN in
Cambridge, UK.
- 2015: Invited Talk at the
M2M-Forum in Vienna.
2016: invited Plenary Panel Speaker "New
Enlightenment? Participation – Democratisation – New Solutions" at the
Technology Symposium at the European Forum Alpbach
and many invited talks:
e.g.: University Darmstadt 1994, Siemens Corporate Technology 1994, University
Paderborn 1995, University Erlangen 1996, University Klagenfurt 1997, HTL
Pinkafeld and HTL St.Pölten 1996-2000, Österreichisches Controller Institut
(ÖCI) 2001, Management Live 2001, Profaktor 2002, VÖSI 2005, BWK 2005, ÖFG 2006,
pma 2006, ITEA 2007...
- 1992:
Eugen-Hartmann-Award 1990-1992 from VDI/VDE for the most
important contribution within 3 years in the field of measurement, automation and
control technology.
- 1988: Austrian Innovation Award for young scientists, 1988.
- 1984: Prize for the best PhD-thesis in the field of Automotive Engineering.
- 1989: Erwin Schrödinger Scholarship.
- 1995: Best Presentation Award, American Control Conference (ACC'95),
Session: RBF-Networks.
- 1979, 1980: 15th and 10th Prize at the Philips European Contest Austria.
- 1979-1989: various photographic awards, e.g. gold medal, Pardubice 1987.
- Heiss, M.: Positionsgeber. German Patent DE 3832929, September 1988.
- Heiss, M. and Dittrich, W.: Verfahren zum Steuern und Regeln einer
Brennkraftmaschine. German Patent DE 3912604 (European Patent 0394216), April
- Heiss, M., Augesky, Ch., Seibt, A., and Bittinger, W.: Einrichtung zum
Steuern und Regeln einer Dieselbrennkraftmaschine. German Patent DE 3906083
(European Patent 0385969), Februar 1989.
- Augesky, Ch. and Heiss, M.: Einrichtung zum Steuern und Regeln einer
Brennkraftmaschine eines Fahrzeuges. German Patent DE 3822582 (European Patent
0353217), Juli 1988.
- Augesky, Ch. and Heiss, M.: Verfahren zum Steuern und Regeln einer
Brennkraftmaschine eines Fahrzeuges. German Patent DE 3822583 (European Patent
0353216), Juli 1988.
- Augesky, Ch., Heiss, M., Höfinger, R., Bayer, R., and Forster, F.:
Verfahren zum Steuern und Regeln einer Brennkraftmaschine eines Fahrzeuges.
German Patent DE 3808819 (European Patent 0333701), März 1988.
- Höfinger, R., Augesky, Ch., and Heiss, M.: Verfahren zum Steuern und
Regeln der Brennkraftmaschine eines Fahrzeuges. German Patent DE 3808820
(European Patent 0353216), März 1988.
Ehms, K., Heiss, M., Langen, M.: „Method and Apparatus for
Distribution of a Message“, United States Patent US 9,614,798 B2, filed:
6.11.2011, granted: 4.4.2017
- Heiss, M., Ed.: Proceedings of the International ICSC/IFAC Symposium on
Neural Computation. ICSC Academic Press, Canada/Schweiz, 1998. 1029 pages, ISBN:
- Heiss, M., Ed.: Proceedings of the International ICSC/IFAC Symposium on
Neural Computation. ICSC Academic Press, Canada/Schweiz, 1998. CDROM, ISBN:
- Fukushima, K., Heiss, M., Kurfess, F.J., Guest Editors: Neurocomputing,
Vol.31, Elsevier, Amsterdam, March 2000. ISSN: 0925-2312.
Heiss, M.: “Wissen braucht Dünger, Licht und Kommunikation”. Preface to Pircher,
R. (ed.): Wissensmanagement, Wissenstransfer, Wissensnetzwerke. Publicis
Publishing, Erlangen 2010. ISBN: 978-3-89578-360-9.
M., Oertl, A., Sturm, M., Palensky, P., Vielguth S., Nadler, F.: Platforms for
industrial cyber-physical systems integration: contradicting
requirements as drivers for innovation. Proc. of the 2015 Workshop on Modeling
and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES), CPS Week, IEEE,
Seattle 2015, pp. 1-8.
- Djajakusuma, I., Heiss, M., Langen, M.: "A Balanced Scorecard
for Steering an Enterprise Social Network: A Case Study of
Siemens TechnoWeb" in Lutz, Benedikt (Hg. 2015): Wissen verändert. Beiträge zu
den Kremser Wissensmanagement-Tagen 2014. Krems: Edition Donau-Universität, pp.
- Oertl, A., Heiss, M., Homma, Ch.: "The Iterative Involvement of
Internal Experts into the Technology Scouting Process".
Proceeding of the IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC
2014), Chicago, June 2014.
- Acquah, I. N., Wiener,
C., Heiss, M., Mayerdorfer, T., Langen, M.: Responsible Corporate Problem
Solving – a Siemens Case Study with TechnoWeb 2.0. Proceedings of the
IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC 2013), The Hague, NL,
June 2013.
- Wiener, C., Acquah, I. N., Heiss, M., Mayerdorfer, T., Langen, M.,
Kammergruber, W. C.: Targeting the Right Crowd for Corporate Problem
Solving – a Siemens Case Study with TechnoWeb 2.0. Proceedings of the
IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC 2012), Dallas, TX,
June 2012,
pp. 239-247. ISBN:
978-1-4673-2133-4. Available
at IEEEXplore
- Langen, M., Heiss, M., Mayerdorfer, T., Kammergruber, W. C.: „Intelligent
Message Distribution in Corporate Expert Communities“: Proceedings of
the International ICE
Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, pp.540-548, Munich,
June 2012.
ISBN: 978-1-4673-2273-7.
Available at IEEEXplore
- Langen, M., Heiss, M.: “Expert Networking in TechnoWeb”. In “Beherrschbarkeit
komplexer Systems” Schriftenreihe der Universität für Bundeswehr München Band
04, Neubiberg, January 2014, pp. 28-35.
- Lasser, S., Heiss M.: Collaboration Maturity and the Offshoring Cost
Barrier: The Trade-Off between Flexibility in Team Composition and Cross-Site
Communication Effort in Geographically Distributed Development Projects.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Professional Communication Conference
(IPCC 2005); ISBN: 0-7803-9028-8, Limerick, Ireland, 10-13 July 2005, Thread:
Engineering Management, pp. 718-728.
Mörl, S., Heiss, M. & Richter,
Wissensvernetzung mit TechnoWeb 2.0.
In P. Schubert & M. Koch, eds. Wettbewerbsfaktor
Business Software.
Hanser 2011, pp. 171-191.
Daniela Damian,
Sabrina Marczak, Madalina Dascalu, Michael Heiss, Adrian Liche: Using
Real-Time Conferencing Tools to Leverage the Collaborative Potential of Global
Teams: An Experience Report from Siemens IT Solutions and Services. Proceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE
2009), Limerick Ireland, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3710-8
D., Heiss, M.: Moving to an Open Innovation Culture - The Case of Siemens. In P.
Adollfson, O. Bergström, B. Czarniawska, U. Erikkson-Zetterquist, A. Styhre,
27th European Group for Organisational Studies Colloquium, 7-9 July 2011 (p.
215). Gothenburg: European Group for Organisational Studies.
D. & Heiss, M.: Open Innovation and Knowledge Networking @ Siemens. In K.R.E.
Huinzingh, S. Conn & I. Biltran (Eds.), XXII International Society for
Professional Innovation Management Conference Proceedings, 12-15 June 2011 (p.
50). Hamburg: International Society for Professional Innovation Management. ISBN: 978-952-265-092-4
Glatz, G., Ackerlauer, H., Heiss, M., and Damian D.: Impact of
knowledge networking and organizational learning on the performance of
organizations. Proceedings of the IEEE International Engineering Management
Conference IEMC 2007, Texas, USA.
Wölbitsch, M., Heiss, M., Mühlbacher, J.: Auswirkungen der virtuellen
Wissensvernetzung auf die Post-Merger Integration - Fallstudie der integrativen
Wirkung in einer außergewöhnlichen Unternehmenssituation. Buchbeitrag in "Geteiltes
Wissen ist doppeltes Wissen!" M. Bentele, R. Hochreiter, H. Krcmar, M. Weber (Hrsg.),
KnowTech 2009, ISBN 978-3-7723-1470-4, pp. 671-679.
Käfer, G., Heiss, M.: Wissensnetze als Basis für Enterprise 2.0 - Ein
Erfahrungsbericht der Siemens AG aus 10 Jahren Wissensvernetzung als Basis für
die Einführung von Enterprise 2.0. Buchbeitrag in "Geteiltes Wissen ist
doppeltes Wissen!" M. Bentele, R. Hochreiter, H. Krcmar, M. Weber (Hrsg.),
KnowTech 2009, ISBN 978-3-7723-1470-4, pp. 201-205
Mikulovic, V.; Heiss, M.; Herbsleb, J.D.: Practices and Supporting
Structures for Mature Inquiry Culture in Distributed Software Development
Projects. Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Global Software
Engineering, 2006. ICGSE '06. Oct. 2006, pp.245 - 246
Mikulovic, V., and Heiss, M.: "How do I know what I have to do?" - The
Role of the Inquiry Culture in Requirements Communication for Distributed
Software Development Projects. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International
Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2006, Shanghai, China, May 20-28, 2006.
Heiss, M., Stöckl, S., and Hausknotz C.: The
Bottom-Up/Top-Down-Pattern: An Organizational Pattern for a Balanced Management
System. Proceedings of the IEEE International Engineering Management Conference
(IEMC 2004), Singapure, October 2004.
Heiss, M. and Jankowsky, J.: The Technology Tree Concept - an Evolutionary Approach to Technology Management in a Rapidly Changing Market.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Engineering Management Conference (IEMC
2001), Albany, N.Y., Oktober 7-9, 2001, ISBN 0-7803-7260-3, pp. 37-43.
Kubasa, G. and Heiss, M.: Distributed Face-to-Face Communication in
Bottom-up Driven Technology Management - A Model for Optimizing Communication
Topologies. Proceedings of the IEEE International Engineering Management
Conference (IEMC 2002), Cambridge U.K., August 19-20, 2002, ISBN 0-7803-7385-5,
pp. 234-238.
Ackerlauer, H. Heiss, M.: Breeding Technologies Within Expert Networks
as a Balanced Technology Management Method. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND
ECONOMICS 2006, VOL 3; pp. 245-252, WSEAS Press, Greece 2006. ISSN 1109-9526
Heiss, M. and Ackerlauer H.: Ausbrüten von Technologien. Insight
2/2006, pp. 34-36.
Heiss, M.: Universitäre Ausbildung unter den Ansprüchen von Bildung und
Employability. Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, 10.3.2006 Baden bei Wien,
Heiss M.: "Aufbau einer Wissensvernetzungs-Kultur: Praktische
Erfahrungen im Überwinden der Barrieren" in Wissens- und Innovationsmanagement,
Ch. Kendlbacher Ed., Profactor, Steyr 2002, 16 Seiten, ISBN: 3-902087-11-0.
Heiss, M.: Lernen niedrigdimensionaler Kennfelder (German, English).
Habilitationsschrift an der Technischen Universität Wien, Mai 1995.
Heiss, M.: Online learning or tracking of disrete input-output maps.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 27A(5): 657-668, Sept. 1997.
Heiss, M. : Error-minimizing dead-zone for basis function networks.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7(6):1503-1505, 1996.
Hofbauer, A. and Heiss, M.: Divergence effects for online adaptation of
membership functions. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 4(1): 39-52,
Heiss, M. and Kampl, S.: Double-Exponential Sigmoidal Functions for
Neural Networks. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik e&i 114(7/8): 360-363,
Heiss, M. and Kampl, S.: Multiplication-free radial basis function
network. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7(6):1461-1464, November 1996.
Halper, Ch., Heiss, M., and Brasseur, G.: Digital-to-analog conversion
by pulse-count modulation methods. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurements, 45(4):805-814, August 1996.
Heiss, M.: Reinforcement learning or tracking of input-output maps. in
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 8(4):483-496, 1994.
Heiss, M.: Inverse passive learning of an input-output map through
update-spline-smoothing. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 39(2):259-268,
February 1994.
Heiss, M.: Error-detecting unit-distance code. IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurements, 39(5):730-734, 1990.
Heiss, M.: Kennfelder in der Regelungstechnik. Automatisierungstechnik
at, 43(8):363-367, 1995.
Leichtfried, J. and Heiss, M.: Ein kennfeldorientiertes Konzept für
Fuzzy-Regler. Automatisierungstechnik at, 43(1):31-40, 1995.
Heiss, M., Heiss, D., and Kampl, S.: Lernen linear interpolierter
Kennlinien. Automatisierungstechnik at, 42(11):497-506, 1994.
Heiss, M.: Pulsanzahlmodulator statt Pulsbreitenmodulator zur
Verbesserung der Reglerdynamik. Automatisierungstechnik at, 41(11):428-432,
Heiss, M.: Regressionsparabelfilter und -Differenzierer.
Automatisierungstechnik at, 37(12):468-470, 1989.
Heiss, M.: Schnelle Berechnung der "closed-loop"-übertragungsfunktion.
Automatisierungstechnik at, 36(12):487-488, 1988.
Heiss, M.: Symmetrische Komponenten bei elastischen Begrenzungen.
Automatisierungstechnik at, 35(8):334-335, 1987.
Hofbauer, A. and Heiss, M.: The origin of spikes during online
adaptation of membership functions. International Journal Automation Austria,
4(1):1-14, 1996.
Leichtfried, J. and Heiss, M.: Fuzzy-Regler als glättender
Regel-Interpolator. International Journal Automation Austria, 3(2):47-61, 1995.
Heiss, M.: Basisfunktionsnetzwerke als Grundlage zur
Kennfeldinterpretation von neuronalen Netzen und Fuzzy-Reglern. Elektrotechnik
und Informationstechnik e & i, 112(7/8):345-353, 1995.
Heiss, M.: Monotonieerhaltende Glättungsverfahren und Monotonisierung.
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik e & i, 110(5):233-238, 1993.
Heiss, M.: L2-optimale Stützstellen für linear interpolierte
Kennlinien. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik e & i, 108(12):555-557, 1991.
Heiss, M.: Pseudo-logarithmisches Vergessen von Abtastwerten.
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik e & i, 108(4):149-151, 1991.
Heiss, M.: Adaption von Kennlinien in Echtzeit. Elektrotechnik und
Informationstechnik e & i, 106(10):398-402, 1989.
Heiss, M.: Optimal dead-zone characteristic for minimizing the
a-posteriori error in basis function networks (invited). In IEEE Conference on
Decision on Control (CDC 96), pp. 476-477, Kobe, Japan, 1996.
Heiss, M.: Dead-Zone Adaptation vs. Overtraining Phenomenon for Basis
Function Networks (invited). In Proc. of IMACS Symposium on Mathematical
Modelling (MATHMOD'97), pp. 757-761, Vienna, 1997.
Hofbauer, A. and Heiss, M.: The origin of spikes during online
adaptation of membership functions. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Fuzzy Logic
(ISFL'95), pp. A10-17, ETH Zurich, May 1995. Academic Press.
Kampl, S. and Heiss, M.: Multiplication-free radial basis function
network. In American Control Conference (ACC 95), pp. 3782-3785, Seattle, 1995.
Heiss, M. and Leichtfried, J.: Selflearning fuzzy controller with
smooth transfer characteristic and guaranteed convergence. In IEEE Conference on
Control Applications (CCA 94), pp. 1251-1256, Glasgow, 1994.
Heiss, M.: Methods of learning or tracking passively an input-output
map without neural networks. In Workshop notes: Real-World Applications of
Machine Learning at the European Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 1-14, Wien,
Heiss, M.: Inverse passive learning of an input-output map through
update-spline-smoothing. In American Control Conference (ACC 92), pp. 2320-2326,
Chicago, 1992. IEEE.
Heiss, M.: Sind Regeln eines Fuzzy-Reglers nur Stützstellen im
Ein-Ausgangskennfeld? In Informationstagung Mikroelektronik ME'95, pp. 3-8,
Wien, 1995. öVE Schriftenreihe Nr. 8.
Heiss, M.: Lernen von Kennfeldern als Maßnahme zur Verringerung
der Umweltbelastung. In Informationstagung Mikroelektronik ME'93, pp. 195-201,
Wien, 1993. öVE Schriftenreihe Nr. 5.
Heiss, M.: Berechnung von Leiterbahn-Induktivitäten. Elektronik,
37(18):103-104, 1988.
Heiss, M.: Instabile Betriebsarten der Pulsbreitenmodulation.
Elektronik, 38(20):64-65, 1989.
Heiss, M. and Dittrich, W. Pulsanzahlmodulator als D/A-Umsetzer.
Elektronik, 38(19):96-98, 1989.
Augesky, Ch. and Heiss, M.: Elektronische Gleichförmigkeitsregelung bei
Dieselfahrzeugen. Elektronikschau, pp. 42-43, Juli 1990.
and others
- 100 Visions.de 2008
- Investment analysts about TechnoWeb:
Siemens (NYSE: SI) is Monetizing Its Own Social Network – “better than
- Der Standard: 2008
Competence Management
- Chef Post der Wiener Industrie 2005:
- Lakhani, Karim R.; Hutter, Katja; Healy Pokrywa, Stephanie;
Füller, Johann (2013): Open Innovation at Siemens. Case N9-613-100. Harvard:
Harvard Business School. (Weblink)
Winner of the Case Center Award competition 2015.
-> abstracts of the